Line-Target Intersection Points Tool

The Line-Target Intersection Points Tool is used to compute the intersection points of a user-specified line with all target components. To access the tool, select the menu item Tools | Line-Target Intersection Pts .

To use the tool, specify the positions of the Start and End point positions of the line. The line is infinitely long, extending beyond both the Start and End points.

The Start and End point positions can be specified using a variety of reference coordinate systems. Reference coordinate systems supported are:

In the case of a diagnostic port, the origin is at target chamber center, and the z-axis points toward the port.

The Start and End point positions can be specified using Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical geometry.

Position values are typically entered in units of cm (or degrees in the case of angles). To change the default units used to specify position, go to the User Interface tab of the Preferences dialog.

The position of any target component "Key Point" (e.g., the top of a cylinder or corner of a rectangle) can also be easily selected as either a Start or End point by pressing the corresponding () button

When the Update button is pressed, each intersection point position (in the Target Chamber coordinate system) is shown in a list at the bottom of the widget. An intersection point can also be readily tranformed to another coordinate system by selecting it and pressing the Transport Position button ().




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